EtherPadLite in WebFaction (or at your GNU/Linux)

Setup NodeJS

[kesavan@web322:~/webapps]$ ls nodejs/bin/
 node  npm  start  stop
    • Export the PATH
      export PATH=$PATH:~/webapps/nodejs/bin

Setup Etherpad lite

Setup listening application

  • Goto
  • Create a custom application with listening to port
  • Here’s mine – app_talk2_kesavan Custom app (listening on port) (port 23040 – open1) Web322
  • Map it with a Website and domain.Here’s mine:

 talk2_kesavan                        Domains                           Apps
Web322 – †  app_talk2_kesavan (Custom on /)

Change Settings:

vim ~webapps/app_k7_etherpadlite/settings.json # edit for the Port# 23040

Start  EtherPadLite

  1. Run etherpad lite [Make sure about export PATH=$PATH:~/webapps/nodejs/bin ]
[kesavan@web322:~/webapps/app_k7_etherpadlite]$ bin/

Enjoy your etherpadlite now at the domain you mapped

This note is written in etherpadlite running on [ Public: ]

Bonus (update)

#1 run the etherpadlite process continuously 
[kesavan@web322:~]$ screen ~/webapps/app_k7_etherpadlite/bin/ &

#2 list the screen process(es)
[kesavan@web322:~]$ screen -list  
There is a screen on:
    16269.pts-0.web322    (Detached)
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-kesavan.

#3 back to the detached screen session
screen -r 16269.pts-0.web322

#4 quit the running process , detach by above command
CTRL+A then :quit
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One Response to EtherPadLite in WebFaction (or at your GNU/Linux)

  1. claire says:

    hey just a quick note to say thank you for this post — it’s the only stable webfaction etherpad guide i could find and it was super helpful 🙂

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